環境質 監視分野



Dr. ILHO KIM (着任期間:2024年3月25日~2025年3月24日)


- Research Fellow, Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology, Korea
- Professor, University of Science & Technology, Korea

Dr. ILHO KIM works as a Research Fellow at the Department of Environment Research, Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (KICT). He is also a Professor at the Department of Construction Environment Engineering, University of Science & Technology (UST). As a professional engineer of Korea in the water and sewerage field, he also has a lot of practical experience in planning, design and construction fields of water and sewerage facilities, and is working on the practical application and expansion of technologies under development.

He received his doctoral degree from Kyoto University and his master's and bachelor's degrees from the University of Seoul. His research area covers detection, investigation and control technologies of micropollutants such as PPCPs, PFCs and SARS-CoV-2.

Dr. ILHO KIM is currently a principal investigator of “KICT-CSIRO-KU Joint Research on the Environmental Forensics for Anthropogenic Emerging Hazards (July 1, 2021~December 31, 2026)” research project, which is financially supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea. In the project, Kyoto University (Research Center for Environmental Quality Management) is actively collaborating with KICT (Department of Environment Research) to develop advanced pathogen pretreatment technologies through joint experiment and technical exchange activities etc.

During his stay as a visiting professor at RCEQM, Dr. ILHO KIM plans to be interested in the occurrence and distribution of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, pathogenic microorganisms and illicit drugs in sewage facilities as well as pathogenic microorganism detection technologies. In particular, he hopes to acquire knowledge on automated detection and monitoring technologies for emerging contaminants in water, thereby contributing to the technological improvements of KICT and KU. Finally, he will try to find various new research projects for broader and deeper exchange and cooperation activities between KICT and KU.

歴代客員教授 Successive Visiting Professor


Dr.   Noriko Endo

Dr. Noriko Endo works at the cross section of Environmental Engineering and Public Health. PhD and Master’s in Environmental Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US. Bachelor’s in Civil Engineering at the University of Tokyo, Japan. Her research area includes: wastewater-based epidemiology, simulation and prediction of disease transmission, implementation of innovative technologies into society.

In the last five years, Dr. Endo worked for Biobot Analytics, a leading wastewater-based epidemiology company, in the US as a Research Program Manager. Her experience in wastewater-based epidemiology covers a wide range: developing laboratory methods, models for drug consumption and disease prevalence, and normalization methods; managing hardware development; and conducting field surveys. She also worked with every level of government–municipal, state, federal–in the US, an international agency (the World Bank), as well as private enterprises.

Dr. Endo has extensive field experience in Africa, Asia, and North America. During her PhD, she conducted a multi-year research project in Ethiopia to study the environmental impacts on malaria transmission. In Asia, she assisted environmental surveillance in Nepal to understand the prevalence of Typhoid and vaccine efficacy. In North America, she led manhole-level wastewater surveillance in nearly 10 municipalities in the US, including the GIS analysis of sewer networks and demographics, to understand the prevalence of drug use and COVID-19 in communities.


①【入門】下水サーベイランスって何?これからの公衆衛生を考える - YouTube
②【活用】下水サーベイランスを地域の感染対策に活かす!様々な活用事例を学ぶ - YouTube
③【比較】各国の制度体制はどうなっている?日本における下水サーベイランスのあり方とは - YouTube


Dr.   Tin Tin Thaw
Deputy Director of Environmental Quality Standard Division (EQS)
Environmental Conservation Department (ECD), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (MONREC)  Myanmar

She obtained bachelor and master degrees of Science, Chemistry in 1996 and 2000 then completed PhD degree of Environmental Engineering Chemistry in 2002 at Yangon Technological University.

She worked at Development Centre for Pharmaceutical Technology (DCPT) in (1995-2003). She was assigned by managerial role in quality control of pharmaceutical products in Myanmar Pharmaceutical Factory up to 2010. She was responsible for Head of Quality Control Department in 2010-2015 and she carried out the Head of Research Department in Pharmaceutical Factory (Insein), (BPI) 2015-2018. She was selected as Deputy Director of EQS Division in 2018 march and this is responsible for setting environmental quality standards and monitoring ambient environmental quality and emission standards, under the provision of Environmental Conservation law and regulations then to comply and evaluation the Environmental Impact Assessment commitments.

She would like to study for Establishment of Environmental Standard and Development of unit Pollution Potential of Myanmar at the Research Center for Environmental Quality Management in Kyoto University, Japan. Her presentations have been done about Governmental Perspective and Policy Regulation related to Environmental Conservation, Environmental Monitoring and Initiative to Address Environmental Governance and Current Environmental Practices in Myanmar.

She is interested to Japan environmental governance focused on better cooperation with other developed organizations. Wherever possible, effort should be made to more beneficial for the Myanmar people. It would be the successful implementation of our National Environmental Policy for the Government, the private and the public sectors. Current environmental monitoring data are insufficient in quality and quantity for assessing Myanmar’s national environmental quality. Pollution of rivers and streams which pass through large cities are locally heavily polluted due to untreated sewage and waste disposal. Major rivers of Myanmar are relatively clean, but some tributaries are polluted due to industrial and mining activities together with agricultural runoff. Increasing population and urbanization, agricultural practice, industrial development causes water pollution. The awareness and practices of the conservation of environment are still limited. More advanced water quality monitoring is required to get information on organic pollution, toxic chemical and local water problems.


Prof.   Chettiyappan Visvanathan
Asian Institute of Technology  Thailand

Dr. C. Visvanathan, is a Professor of the Environmental Engineering and Management Program, School of Environment, Resources and Development, Asian Institute of Technology. He has a Ph.D. (Chemical /Environmental Engineering) from Institute National Polytechnique, Toulouse, France. His main areas of research interests include: Membrane technologies for water and wastewater treatment, cleaner production and solid waste disposal and management. In the field of membrane technology, his main research interests focus around development of MBR systems (both aerobic and anaerobic), water recycling and industrial wastewater treatment. His professional experiences include serving as a Project Engineer in Asia Division, International Training Center for Water Resources Management, Sophia Antipolis, France, and as a short term consultant to UNEP Industry and Environment Office, Paris, France.

He has over 29 years of experience teaching Environmental Engineering and Management related courses at the graduate level at AIT with active involvement in number of Consultancy works. He is also the member of professional associations, recipient of several awards and honors, and was among the 50 leading researchers in Thailand in 2008. He also worked as the organizer and resource person in number of conferences and scientific committees. He has contributed as member of journal editorial boards and has authored more than 20 books and research articles, 35 chapters in books, 170 journal publications and 155 international conference proceedings. He has researched extensively on water supply and climate change adaptation over the years He served as visiting professor focused on membrane technology for water reuse at Kyoto University, Japan from December 2018 to March 2019. He has organized training workshops and field activities, and has delivered several presentations and keynote addresses on water reuse through membrane technology at various international conferences.

He piloted membrane aerated biofilm reactor for domestic wastewater treatment with the support from Mitsubishi Chemical Co., Ltd., Japan. He developed a thermophilic anaerobic membrane bioreactor for palm oil wastewater treatment supported by Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd., Japan in 2018. He piloted a filter backwash water treatment using ceramic membrane filtration system sponsored by University of Tokyo, Japan and Metawater. He was involved in sustainable water management in urban fringe areas through industrial wastewater reuse with assistance from French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs. He developed a membrane hybrid system for industrial wastewater reuse sponsored by New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization, Thailand.

For further details visit: http://www.faculty.ait.ac.th/visu/


Senior Lecturer   Nisfariza Mohd Noor Maris
University of Malaya  Malaysia

Nisfariza Mohd Noor is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Geography University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. She was a Visiting Researcher at the Research Center for Environmental Quality Management, Kyoto University from December 2017 to March 2018.

She is currently attached to Aerodyne Research Australia (Aerodyne Group) for her Industrial Postdoctoral Fellowship for two years. She is the key personnel and spearheading the Remote Sensing and Geospatial Research in Aerodyne.

Recognized as Dr. Nishi-san while in Kyoto and among her fellow Japanese colleagues. She seeks new opportunities and challenges to intensify her research portfolio and potential locally in Malaysia and abroad. She challenges herself to adapt to a new place, people and work culture. Her perseverance in exploring possibilities in engaging an international collaboration in research is prominence.

She was trained in Surveying Engineering (Geoinformatics) from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 1999. She has five years of experience in a few organizations before pursuing academics and obtained her M.Sc in Spatial Modelling from Universiti Putra Malaysia in 2007.She completed her Ph.D. in Hyperspectral Remote Sensing from the University of Nottingham, the UK in 2012.

Nishi-san is always enthusiastic in research related to Geospatial i.e Geographical Information System and Remote Sensing. She was among the first fellow researcher who ventured in hyperspectral remote sensing in Malaysia; and utilizes drone for mapping and precision agriculture in Malaysia as early as 2013. Her research capacity ranges from land use, utilities mapping and applications, site suitability mapping, watershed, and others.

The experience at Kyoto University in RCEQM and Japan exposed research collaboration with the Japan International Research Centre for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS) for her ongoing research in Malaysia.

She is fascinated with the Japanese culture and people and has always looked forward to traveling to Japan multiple times because her heart was imprinted on the heartfelt of the Japanese people, culture, and environment.


Associate Prof.  Guangxue Wu
Tsinghua University  China

Dr. Guangxue Wu is an associate professor at Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University. He obtained his Bachelor’s degree from Shandong Jianzhu University in 2001, Master’s degree from Tsinghua University in 2004, and Ph.D from National University of Ireland, Galway in 2009. After several years of postdoctoral research in NUI Galway, he joined Tsinghua University in 2010.

He has been working in the field of sustainable wastewater treatment, especially focusing on direct interspecies electron transfer in anaerobic wastewater treatment processes, autotrophic nitrogen removal through nitritation and anammox processes, and micorbial interactions clarification through quorum sensing and metagenomic analysis. He also actively participates in the ISO standard in the field of wastewater reuse in urban areas.

The visit to the Research Center for Environmental Quality Management (RCEQM) at Kyoto University during July to September, 2016, gave him a good change to know better about the research and study in RCEQM, located beside the beautiful Biwa Lake. With the help from Tanaka Sensei and all other members from Kyoto University, he began to take part in the cooperation activities between two universities since then.


Senior Lecturer  Nurmaya Musa
University of Malaya  Malaysia

Nurmaya Musa is a Senior Lecturer at Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. She is a Resident Researcher as well as a co-founder of Advanced Manufacturing and Materials Processing (AMMP) Research Centre.

Nurmaya always challenges herself with new environment, loves to meet new people and enjoys to experience different cultures, especially food. She began her tertiary journey with a BSc in Industrial Engineering from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA in 1999. Upon graduation she worked as an R&D Engineer for 3 years before pursuing her MSc in Manufacturing Management at University of Nottingham, UK in 2004. She then completed her PhD in Production Economics from Linköping University, Sweden in 2012.

Nurmaya’s research fascinations is in the dynamics of supply chain network. Her works includes studies on Supply Chain Management and Risk Management in various applications; automotive, healthcare, textile, water and waste industries. The experience at Kyoto University in RCEQM and Japan in general, has intrigues her to look at social impact as more than supplementary requirement in research objectives. Her best experiences during the attachment is the opportunity to be with the RCEQM members during thesis submission weeks and her visit to the village of Harie in Shin-Asahi, Takashima.

Though she was born and raised in Kuala Lumpur, pieces of her hearts are left in many places, including the Mother Lake, Biwa.


Prof.  Chikashi Sato
Idaho State University  USA

Dr. Sato held a position of Visiting Professor at the Research Center for Environmental Quality Management (RCEQM), Kyoto University, from May 15 to August 14, 2014.  During his three month tenure, he gave several presentations on water treatment using hydrodynamic cavitation, energy harvesting from wastewater using microbial fuel cells, and technical English writing, at Kyoto University, the University of Tokyo, and the Public Works Research Institute.

Dr. Sato was selected as a Japan Society of Promotion of Science (JSPS) fellow to conduct research in Japan (2002-2003).  He was also selected as a Fulbright Senior Scholar to teach and to carry out research in Nepal (2012).  His research interests span a broad range of water and energy related fields. His current research interests are: i) development of hydrodynamic cavitation-UV disinfection process, and ii) development of microbial fuel cells, fueled by industrial wastewaters.

Dr. Sato is the author of Handbook for Scientific English Writing (ISBN 4-7655-3011-6) and Handbook for Scientific English Writing with CD-ROM (ISBN978-4-7655-3014-9), published in Japan.  His current service activities include the Book Editor and Handling Editor for the International Journal of Environment and Waste Management (IJEWM), and Handling Editor for the International Journal of Environmental Engineering (IJEE).


Prof.  Yuntao Guan
Tsinghua University  中国

Prof. Guan studied for his Bachelor, Master and PhD degrees in Environmental Engineering in Tsinghua University over the period of September, 1989-Augest, 1998. He is currently a Professor at Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University (GSST) and positioned at the Director of Research Center for Environmental Engineering and Management and the Vice Director of Division of Energy and Environment, GSST.  Prof. Guan was the Visiting Professor at the Research Center for Environmental Quality Management (RCEQM), Kyoto University, from 1 July, 2013 to 30 September 2013.  During his stay in RCEQM, he gave several lectures to students and presentations in workshops and symposiums, regarding non-point pollution control and Low Impact Development.

Prof. Guan has an established track record for undertaking research in relation to the urban non-point pollution, wastewater treatment, corrosion in drainage system and microorganism. He has achieved significant success in attracting research grants, developing extensive industry collaborative links, undertaking research of relevance to industry and the community and the translation of research outcomes for practical application. His research outcomes have contributed to drinking water security, improved urban water environment and hence human well-being, developed advanced stormwater treatment techniques, which has industry potential and contributed to enhancing reclaimed water use to alleviate water scarcity.

ber, 1989-Augest, 1998. He is currently a Professor at Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University (GSST) and positioned at the Director of Research Center for Environmental Engineering and Management and the Vice Director of Division of Energy and Environment, GSST.  Prof. Guan was the Visiting Professor at the Research Center for Environmental Quality Management (RCEQM), Kyoto University, from 1 July, 2013 to 30 September 2013.  During his stay in RCEQM, he gave several lectures to students and presentations in workshops and symposiums, regarding non-point pollution control and Low Impact Development.

Prof. Guan has an established track record for undertaking research in relation to the urban non-point pollution, wastewater treatment, corrosion in drainage system and microorganism. He has achieved significant success in attracting research grants, developing extensive industry collaborative links, undertaking research of relevance to industry and the community and the translation of research outcomes for practical application. His research outcomes have contributed to drinking water security, improved urban water environment and hence human well-being, developed advanced stormwater treatment techniques, which has industry potential and contributed to enhancing reclaimed water use to alleviate water scarcity.


Scientist  Salmaan H. Inayat-Hussain
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia   マレーシア

Salmaan Inayat-Hussain was a Visiting Professor at the Research Center for Environmental Quality Management, Kyoto University from October 2012 to January 2013. Currently he is the Head, Global Toxicology Section at PETRONAS Group Health, Safety and Environment & Operational Excellence Division. He was previously the Dean and Professor of Toxicology  and Cancer Pharmacology at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). He obtained his Ph.D in Biochemical Toxicology from the MRC Toxicology Unit, University of Leicester, England and currently an American Board Certified Toxicologist and Eurotox Registered Toxicologist. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Science, Malaysia. He has more than 17 years of research and teaching experience from various institutions including University of Colorado, Karolinska Institutet, University of Osaka, King’s College London & Kyoto University. He has been involved with the World Health Organization on the Development of Chemical Risk Assessment Toolkit and sits as an Expert Panel member of the Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues.  Salmaan is the current Chair for the IPIECA GHS Task Force and the Founding President of the Malaysian Society of Toxicology. He is also an Advisor to the IUTOX Education Committee and Associate Editor for Food and Chemical Toxicology.


Prof.  Jiun-Horng Tsai
National Cheng Kung University  台湾

Prof. Jiun-Horng Tsai, faculty in the
Department of Environmental Engineering in National Chung Kung University (Taiwan), had been invited as visiting professor at the RCEQM, Kyoto University during April – July, 2011. Prof. Tsai is well-known in the field of air quality management and air pollution control. He is also the member of many advisory committees of the government in Taiwan.

Prof. Tsai engaged in many academic activities in the Kyoto University during his visiting stay in Kyoto and Otsu. He conducted a lecture on Air Quality Management Strategy in the course of New Environment Engineering I, and presented several topics in seminar and symposium held by the RCEQM. These topics included Introduction to Air Quality Policy in Taiwan, Introduction to Air Quality Monitoring Program in Taiwan, and Air Quality Management for Healthy Community. Prof. Tsai also shared his academic idea with faculty member, younger scientists, and students during his stay in the center. He was also glad to share his experience in Taiwan with all member of the center anytime.

Prof. Tsai has continuously keeping in touch with the faculty members in the center after he finished his visiting in the RCEQM. Prof. Tsai’s visiting stay in the RCEQM links the academic cooperation of environmental study between Kyoto University and National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan.


Prof.   Xihui Zhang
Tsinghua University  中国

Kyoto University has a long history in collaboration with Tsinghua University. In 2005, Kyoto University set up a joint center with Tsinghua University at the Graduate School at Shenzhen, called as “Kyoto – Tsinghua Joint Center for Research and Education of Environmental Technology”. Prof. Xihui Zhang was appointed the associate Director of the joint Center on behalf of Tsinghua’s side at that time.

At the Research Center for Environmental Quality Management (RCEQM), he presented two lectures: 1. My thinking of the water environment in China. Tried to follow the evolution history of humankind in nature, analyzed the current situation of water environment, its trend as well as potential integration pathways in order to control the water pollution in China 2. Rotated non-uniform electro-kinetics for bioremediation. Technical pathways and mechanisms of rotated non-uniform electro-kinetics were presented to enhance the efficiency of in situ bioremediation. Potential utilization of solar energy for situ bioremediation was discussed.

Academic research and collaboration on PPCPs control and ceramic membrane utilization were detailed in many aspects. Detailed water reuse and PPCPs control in Shenzhen River will be planned using AOP process and ceramic membrane, bench scale tests for application of ceramic membrane and PTFE membrane will be jointly conducted in Shenzhen and Dongguan cities. Collaboration between Kyoto University and Tsinghua University in Shenzhen on the basis of the joint Center were further extended to the collaboration with City Government and will also be extended to the collaboration between environmental industries, the Shenzhen Association of Environmental Protection Industry.


Scientist  AVi Ostfeld
Israel Institute of Technology  イスラエル

Avi Ostfeld, D.Sc., P.E., D.WRE (www.technion.ac.il/~avi/avi.htm) is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, and the Editor in Chief of the Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE. Dr. Ostfeld was a Senior Engineer and Project Manager at TAHAL – Consulting Engineers Ltd. in Tel – Aviv from 1997 to 2000; a Research Associate at the Department of Civil Engineering, the University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, from 1996 to 1997; and a Research Associate at the Technion Water Research Institute from 1994 to 1996. During 2008/2009 he spent sabbaticals as Visiting Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign and at the University of Kyoto. Dr. Ostfeld research activities are in the fields of water resources systems, hydrology, and in particular in the area of water distribution systems optimization using evolutionary computation: water distribution systems security, optimal design and operation of water distribution systems, and integrating water quality and reliability into water distribution systems management and control.


Prof.  Andrew C. Johnson
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford  UK

He began his life in science with a BSc in Microbiology in 1985.  He then completed a PhD in Soil Science, studying the toxicity of aluminium to soil bacteria at Reading University. Following 4 years as a scientist studying groundwater contamination, Andrew began his career at the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford.  He has co-supervised PhD students from Reading, Oxford, Lancaster, Brunel, Kyoto, and Beijing Universities.  He worked as a Visiting Professor at Kyoto University, Japan and currently is a Visiting Professor at Brunel University, London.  He is a long time member of the Society of Toxicology and Environmental Chemistry.  He has many years experience in assessing the fate of a wide range of potential contaminants of surface waters including nutrients, micro-organic contaminants and recently nano-particles.

He has given evidence to the House of Commons Science & Technology Committee in 2013 on pharmaceuticals in water, is active as a hydrological expert for the Ministry of Justice and helped brief the Government Chief Scientist and Civil Servants of the Cabinet Office on the risks posed by endocrine disruption in 2014.  In 2014 he was appointed to the Hazardous Substances Advisory Committee which advises Defra (UK Department of the Environment). 


Prof.  Xia Huang
Tsinghua University  中国

Dr. Huang held a position of Visiting Professor at the Research Center for Environmental Quality Management (RCEQM), Kyoto University, from July 1 to Oct. 5, 2007. During her three month tenure, she gave several lectures and presentations on water pollution situation and municipal wastewater treatment situation in Beijing, microbial fuel cell for wastewater purification and simultaneous electricity generation, and somatic coliphage removal from municipal wastewater by membrane bioreactor, and conducted joint research with Prof. Tsuno and Prof. Tanaka.

Dr.Huang’ main research interests include membrane technologies for wastewater treatment and resource recovery, bio-electrochemical technologies for energy production and water treatment. She is a Distinguished Professor of Yangtze River Scholar, Ministry of Education of China, a fellow of International Water Association, Executive Associate Editor-in-Chief of "Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering", Associate Editor of “Water Science & Technology”, and Editorial Board of “Desalination”. She has published more than 130 peer-reviewed articles and was awarded Environ. Sci. Technol. 2009 best paper, the 2nd Class of the State Science and Technology Progress Award twice and several awards issued by Ministry of Education of China.


PhD.  Joseph E. Odencrantz
Tri-S Environmental  USA

Joe Odencrantz is a California-based environmental and water consultant with over twenty-five years of experience in the private and public sectors.  Dr. Odencrantz is a water and environmental expert with a unique set of qualifications and experience that spans from traditional civil and environmental engineering to current state-of-the-art investigation and remediation techniques. He obtained his M.S. and Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Odencrantz founded Tri-S Environmental (Tri-S at www.tri-s.com) in 1994 and continues setting new standards of excellence in the practice of water and environmental management. He directs routine and complex analysis, investigation, vapor intrusion, water treatment and remediation projects on behalf of a variety of clients. Dr. Odencrantz was an active member of the Research Center for Environmental Quality Management, Kyoto University in 2007 (mid-career sabbatical). Dr. Odencrantz has published extensively on fate and transport of organics in surface and groundwater systems, natural attenuation, cleanup levels, vapor intrusion, regulatory policy and the remediation of affected water bodies. Dr. Odencrantz initiated the foundational work for site-specific risk-based cleanup levels in soil and groundwater (known as risk-based corrective action-RBCA) and received a lifetime achievement award from the University of Maine in 2012.   


Prof.  Chongrak Polprasert
Asian Institute of Technology  タイ

Chongrak Polprasert is an expert in pollution control, hazardous waste management and resources recovery. He received Ph.D. in civil/environmental engineering under the Fulbright scholarship from the University of Washington, Seattle, U.S.A. and began his career as Research Assistant at the International Development Research Centre in Ottawa, Canada, working on a low-cost sanitation and resource recovery project with the World Bank. Professor Polprasert was a faculty member at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) during 1997 – 2009, held the AEON Group Chair of Environmental Engineering, was Dean of the School of Environment, Resources and Development and acting Dean of the School of Civil Engineering. He served as Director and Professor of the Environmental Engineering at the SIIT of Thammasat University, Thailand, during 2009 – 2012.

Prof. Chongrak served in the U.S. National Academy of Sciences panel on productive utilization of wastes in developing countries and the Water Environment Federation task force on natural systems for wastewater treatment. He contributed to the IWA specialist groups on waste stabilization ponds, macrophytes for wastewater treatment and reuses and small WTP. He was invited to serve as visiting professor/scholar at the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, the Netherlands; Lulea University, Sweden; Tohoku University and Kyoto University, Japan.

Prof. Chongrak served as an advisor to the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, a member of the National Environment Board of Thailand, an external examiner for doctoral dissertations, research projects, curriculum development at various universities, and occasionally as a consultant to both private and public organizations worldwide.


Sientist  S. Venkata Mohan
Indian Institute of Chemical Technology  インド

Dr. S. Venkata Mohan was a visiting professor at the RCEQM and was a part of Dr Shimizu`s research group in 2005. He was involved in project on bioremediation of coal derived hydrocarbons contaminated soil, where he studied the role of mannosyl erythritol lipid (MEL) as a biosurfactant in bioremediation of PAH contaminated soils. A pilot scale bioreactor was also designed based on the experimental data obtained in the laboratory scale studies. During the course of his stay he authored a review article on bioremediation technologies for treatment of PAH contaminated soil (Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology, 2006; 5(4):347-374). His research findings were presented the form of  four lectures viz., Recent advances in biological wastewater treatment (16th Sept, 2005),  Biohydrogen production from industrial wastewater-concept and process evaluation (16th Sept, 2005),  Bioremediation of contaminated soils (18th Nov, 2005) and  Bioaugmentation strategy to enhance biological process efficiency (18th Nov, 2005).


Prof.  Benito J. Marinas
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  USA

Benito J. Mariñas holds a B.S. degree (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain 1982) in civil engineering, and M.S. (University of California at Berkeley 1985), Ph.D. (University of California at Berkeley 1989) degrees in sanitary and environmental engineering. He has been on the faculty of the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Illinois since 1995 and has been an Arthur and Virginia Nauman Faculty Scholar since 1998.  Prof. Mariñas was a visiting research scholar at the Research Center for Environmental Quality Management at Kyoto University, Japan in 2005. 

Dr. Mariñas is currently the Director of the Safe Global Water Institute, a consortium of global centers of excellence in research, education, and regional stakeholders working across the boundaries of Water & Sanitation with Health, Food, and Energy. SGWI is working to overcome the basic science, engineering solutions, educational capacity, and socio-economic barriers to providing sustainable safe water and sanitation to the peoples of the word.

Dr. Mariñas has research interests in various mechanistic aspects of chemical and ultraviolet light disinfection processes and membrane technologies for the particular application of controlling waterborne pathogens. He is currently a member of the Center for Zoonoses Research at the University of Illinois. He is also developing hybrid adsorption/membrane processes for the control of pesticides, taste-and-odor-causing compounds and other water contaminants, and working on research projects aimed at elucidating the mechanisms responsible for the formation of disinfection by-products of health concern in drinking water.


Prof.  Sharma Mukesh
Indian Institute of Technology  インド

Dr. Mukesh Sharma, a Professor of Civil Engineering at IIT Kanpur, India obtained his Masters degree in Civil Engineering from IIT Kanpur and a Ph.D. Degree from University of Waterloo, Canada in 1994. Prior to Joining IIT Kanpur in 1997, he was employed with Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), Delhi. In CPCB, he was associated with development of emission and effluent standards and environmental impact assessment studies for nearly 10 years He has been a visiting professor at University of Guelph, Canada and Research Center for Environmental Quality Management (RCEQM), Otsu, Kyoto University, Japan. At RCEQM his focus was on pollutant modeling and management, exposure assesspublished/presented over 100 papers in national and international journals and conferences. He is principal investigator of several international research projects from Norway, France, World Bank, USA and various agencies in India, and participated in several national and international committees on environmental protection.

Selected Awards and Recognitions

  • Kong Ha Award in Air Quality from Clean Air Asia, a UN supported foundation, 2012
  • Associate Editor, International Journal Environmental Engineering Science
  • Member Editorial Board, Int. Journal Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, Taylor and Francis
  • Hiyoshi Environmental Award, Hiyoshi Corp.,, Japan, Excellence in Research and Technology, 2012
  • Recipient of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellowship, 1998


Assoc. Prof.  Fu-Liu Xu
Peking Univ.  中国

Assoc. Prof. Fu-Li Xu gave a series of formal lectures on fundamentals and practices of Ecological Modeling. The concept, elements, types, development history, and current situations of ecological models were presented. The environmental management purposes and the current situations for model applications were introduced. A general procedure to develop ecological model was presented, which followed by a step-by-step explanation, including the definition of problem & system, conceptual diagram, mathematical formulation, transfer to computer, verifications, sensitivity analysis, calibration & parameter estimation, and validation. Lake ecological models included the biotic and abiotic components in lake ecosystem, the lake spatial, temporal and trophic structure, the important lake ecological processes including physical, chemical and biological processes, and the modeled environmental problems in lake ecosystem. The progresses of these models are simple regression models, simple nutrient budget models, complex ecological-water quality-hydrodynamic models, and structurally dynamic models. Modeling nutrient and phytoplankton dynamics in a lake ecosystem were two typical examples in the development of lake ecological models and, a case study, structurally dynamic model for Lake Mogen, was presented in detail. The use of ecotoxicological models for modelling the fate of chemicals and for assessing ecological risk to ecosystems & human being and, a case study, fate modelling of phenanthrene with regional variation in Tianjin, Chin, was presented. STELLA was also lectured in the application to a simple lake model in order to demonstrate the construction of model conceptual diagram, the sensitivity analysis of model parameters, and the prediction of phytoplankton responses on increasing P inputs.


Assoc. Prof.  Dong-Ha Kim
Kook-Min University  韓国

Dong-ha Kim is a professor in civil and environmental engineering department, at the Kookmin University of Seoul, Korea. Dr. Kim has received a master's degree in environment engineering from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (1988), a doctor of environmental engineering from the Kyoto University (1995).

He has been involved in several scientific and technical projects, besides his ongoing research in the fields of water and wastewater treatment. His specific research interests are Biological Nutrient Removal, Membrane Bio-Reactor Technology, Anaerobic treatment of Biological Sludges. He has received several awards from the Japan society on water environment, and the Korean society of water and wastewater.

At Kyoto University, he as a visiting professor performed formal lecture in the course of water and wastewater treatment. One lecture was given at the Research Center facility in Otsu, focused on the unit operations in water and wastewater treatment systems.


Assoc. Prof.  Ruya Tasli
Istambur Institute of Technology  トルコ

Rüya Tasli received her BSc, MSc and PhD degrees in Environmental Engineering from Istanbul Technical University (ITU), in 1986, 1989, and 1996 respectively. She went to Kyoto University on a JICA scholarship between 1989 - 1991. She had been at Kyoto University, Research Center for Environmental Quality Management as visiting Professor in 2001. She was appointed as full professor in 2006 at ITU, Environmental Engineering Department (EED). She has been working as a member of research and teaching staff of ITU, EED since 1987. She has been appointed as the coordinator of Environmental Sciences and Management Program, ITU-Montana State University Dual-Diploma Undergraduate Program. She is the Chair of Turkish National Committee of IWA (International Water Association) and representing Turkey as Governing Member at IWA. She was the member of IWA Board of Directors between 2012-2014. She served  as Programme Committee Member of IWA World Water Congresses between 2010-2014. She has been coordinating IWA Turkish Cities of the Future Program. She has been involved in several scientific and technical projects, besides her ongoing research in the fields of environmental biotechnology and industrial waste management. Her specific research interests are Biological Nutrient Removal, Sequencing Batch Reactor Technology, Pretreatment of Biological Sludges. For more information visit http://faculty.itu.edu.tr/taslir/ and http://www.skatmk.itu.edu.tr .


Prof.  Gary L. Amy
The Univ. of Colorado at Boulder  USA

Gary L Amy is a dean distinguished professor in College of Engineering and Science at Clemson University and a visiting professor in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at National University of Singapore at the present. He is also an emeritus professor in Water Desalination and Reuse Center at KAUST (Saudi Arabia) and an emeritus professor in University of Colorado at Boulder.

He spent three months at the Research Center for Environmental Quality Center (RCEQC) as a visiting professor from May through July of 2001. During that time, he presented a series of lectures on various topics related to advanced drinking water treatment and wastewater reclamation/reuse, and periodically met with graduate students and faculty to discuss their research. He also had the opportunity to lecture at six other well-known universities in Japan (Tokyo, Hokkaido, Tohoku, Osaka, Kyushu, and Gifu) as well as several Japanese Companies (e.g., Kurita Industries and Toray Membranes).


Prof.  Kyeong Ho Lim
Kongju National Univ.  韓国

Kyeong-Ho Lim, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Kongju National University (KNU) in Korea received M.S.E. (1991) and Ph.D. (1996) in Civil & Environmental Engineering from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). He became Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the KNU in 2007.

During the stay in Japan he was working as a Visiting Research Scholar on a subject entitled “Development of a Pre-coagulation and Biological Filtration process for Advanced Treatment of Sewage”. In the research project, a pilot plant with pre-coagulation and sedimentation tanks, and three filters for combined physical and biological treatment was operated. It was set at a Konoike municipal sewage treatment plant in Osaka Prefecture, and fed with real sewage. In designing an effective advanced wastewater treatment system, it is important to develop a compact, easy-maintenance and cost-effective treatment process that is capable of removal of phosphorus and nitrogen as well as organic matter effectively. A pre-coagulation process is proved to be effective for removal of phosphorus and enhancement of nitrification in the following biological filter. And a biological filter has an advantage that filtration and biological activities are combined in a single reactor with the aid of media. In this system, removal of nitrogen and phosphorus as well as organic pollutants from municipal sewage is attainable. He also gave a seminar presentation entitled “On-Site Landfill Strategy of Demolition Waste at Dam Construction Site” to the graduate students at the Research Center for Environmental Quality Control (RCEQC) in Otsu.


Assoc. Prof.  Ahmad I. Jamrah
The Univ. of Jordan  ヨルダン



Prof.  Bruce E. Rittmann
Northwestern Univ.  USA

Dr. Bruce E. Rittmann is Regents’ Professor of Environmental Engineering and Director of the Swette Center for Environmental Biotechnology in the Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University.  His research focuses on the scientific and engineering fundamentals needed to “manage microbial communities to provide services to society.”  Services include generating renewable energy, cleaning water and soil, and improving human health.  Dr. Rittmann is a member of the National Academy of Engineering; a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences, the Water Environment Federation, and the International Water Association; and a Distinguished Member of ASCE.  Dr. Rittmann was awarded the first Clarke Prize for Outstanding Achievements in Water Science and Technology from the National Water Research Institute and the Walter Huber Research Prize and the Simon Freese Award from ASCE.  Dr. Rittmann is on the List of Most Highly Cited Researchers of the Institute for Scientific Information and has published over 550 journal articles, books, and book chapters.  Together with Dr. Perry McCarty, Dr. Rittmann authored the textbook Environmental Biotechnology: Principles and Applications (McGraw-Hill Book Co.), which he finished during his pleasant and productive stay in the RCEQM in 1999.


Chair Prof.  Ju-Chang "Howard" Huang
Hong Kong Univ. of Science & Technology  中国

Professor Ju-Chang “Howard” Huang joined HKUST in January 1993 as a Chair Professor of Civil Engineering after a long teaching career in the United States. He received his B.S. degree in Civil Engineering in 1963 from National Taiwan University. In 1964, he went to the University of Texas-Austin to pursue his graduate study, and completed his M.S. degree in 1966 and PhD in 1967, both in Environmental Engineering. After that, he taught 25 years at the University of Missouri-Rolla. The main focus of his work is the solution of environmental problems associated with water pollution and industrial wastewater treatment. His current research pursuits involve development of novel and innovative treatment technologies which are tailored for cost effective applications in Hong Kong, Chinese Mainland and other Asia Nations. He has provided technical services to nearly 500 industrial water/wastewater treatment plants around the world, particularly in the U.S., Taiwan, and China and most of the countries in Southeast Asia.  The nature of his work ranged from trouble shootings, system optimization as well as process designs for plant upgrating.

In the first few weeks of his association with the Center, he developed a proposal on an exploratory study to evaluate the feasibility of using a suitable biofilm system to reduce the problematic trace contaminants in the lake water. Then he wrote a second proposal with a topic on “Linking Aquatic Ecotoxicity Researchers in Japan with Pollution Control Technology developers in Hong Kong to Achieve More Cost Effective Water Quality Management in Asia”.


Senior Lecturer  Abdallah M. Shanableh
Queensland Univ. of Technology  オーストラリア

One of the first professional activities of Prof. Abdallah Shanableh involved presenting a paper titled “Processing and Recycling of Resources from Waste Sludge Subcritical Hydrothermal Treatment” at the 20th Symposium of Association of Environmental and Sanitary Engineering Research. His research interest during the past few years has focused on sludge management including the use of hydrothermal treatment methods to combine treatment and recycling of organic resources from wastewater treatment sludges. During the time he spent at the Research Center for Environmental Quality Control (RCEQC), he worked on developing a joint research activity on characterizing and assessing the fate and generation of micro-pollutants as a result of sludge management. Researchers at the RCEQC hold weekly seminars and discussions. He presented some of his research interests and findings at the seminars. These included presentations and discussions on subcritical and supercritical water oxidation of hazardous wastes and sludges, expert system for risk assessment, wastewater treatment using line and salt brine, decontamination of sludges by removing metals, and the use of biofilters for water recycling in aquaculture. He was delighted to present to the researchers during a social event a seminar on his country titled “Journey Through Jordan”


Prof.  Michael J. Plewa
The Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  USA

Dr. Michael J. Plewa is University Scholar and Professor Emeritus of Genetics (College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences), and Associate Director of the Global Safe Water Institute in the College of Engineering, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. He has an international reputation for research and teaching in environmental and molecular mutagenesis. Dr. Plewa is a past president of the Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society and is the Chair of the 2015 Gordon Research Conference on Drinking Water Disinfection Byproducts. His research program has generated more than 210 published scientific papers, reports and books. Dr. Plewa and his laboratory established the largest in vitro toxicology database on drinking water disinfection by-products (DBPs). His current focus is on defining the toxic modes of action of DBPs and resolving the molecular mechanisms of DBP-induced genomic DNA damage. This work is connecting the results of analytical biology and the molecular mechanisms of toxicity to defining human biomarkers of susceptibility to adverse health effects induced by DBPs. The primary goal is to make good water better by identifying and reducing toxic DBPs from drinking water through the optimization of engineering practice.

His research in the Research Center for Environmental Quality Control was focused in two areas, the reverse effect phenomenon in the B. subtilis Rec Assay and the impact of covalently bound aromatic amines in plant lignin to transport chemical contaminants to potable water supplies. He also presented a series of graduate seminars and lectures at Otsu and throughout Japan.


Prof.  Sven Erik Jorgensen
Royal Danish School of Pharm. & Agri. Univ. of Denmark  デンマーク

Sven Erik Jorgensen is a professor in environmental chemistry at the University of Copenhagen at the present. Han has received a master of science in chemical engineering from the Danish Technical University (1958), a doctor of environmental engineering (Karlsruhe University) and a doctor of science in ecological modeling (Copenhagen University). He has in 1975 started the journal Ecological Modeling and in 1978 ISEM (International Society of Ecological Modelling). He has received several at the awards, the Ruder Boskovic Medal, The Prigogine Prize, the very prestigious Stockholm Water Prize, etc. He is the editorial board member of 19 international journals in the fields of ecology and environmental management. He is the president of ISEM and was a selected member of European Academy of Science’s as Chairman of the Section of Environmental Sciences.

At Kyoto University, he as a visiting professor performed formal lectures in the course, ecotoxicology. Two lectures / seminars were given at the Research Center facility in Otsu, focused on: 1) a wide application of modelling in research and studies of ecosystems, waste water treatment systems and systems in general and 2) The application of QSAR-methods to the estimation of wide range of ecotoxicological parameters with emphasis on a software “Wintox” developed by his research group in Copenhagen. The studies are exposed to a wide spectrum of ideas and approaches in environmental sciences which will give us a rich opportunity to be able to navigate in the complex area of environmental research in the future.


Assoc. Prof.  Bengt-Erik Bengtsson
Stockholm Univ.  スウェーデン

Most of activities by Prof. Bengt-Erik Bengtsson were carried out at the Kyoto University Research Center for Environmental Quality Control (RCEQC) in Otsu City. Some lectures were also made in Tokyo, Yokohama and other places. The titles of these activities are listed as follow: 1. “Fish Toxicity evaluation” and “Toxic Substances” in International Lake Environment Committee Foundation, JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) Training Course on Lake Water Quality Management 2. “Present status of the M74 and EMS syndromes in salmonid fishes” in the Fisheries Bureau Marine Laboratory 3. “Combined Biological and Chemical Characterization of Complex Industrial Waste Water” in Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University and in Department of Urban Engineering, Tokyo University 4. “The Swedish Ecotoxicological Characterization Strategy for Complex Industrial Discharge (CID) with Case Studies from the Pulp & Paper and the Chemical Industry” in Institute of Environmental Engineering and Technology, Yokohama University
The immediate outcome of the scholarship was the stimulating contact with the Center staffs and the research activities at RCEQC. This resulted in an expressed mutual willingness to continue cooperation. Accordingly two scientific papers were published in Japanese scientific journals in direct connection to the stay at RCEQC. Bengtsson was also engaged as co-organizer of the 3rd IAWQ Specialized conference, Ecohazard ’99, 5-8 December 1999.


Prof.  Roger A. Minear
The Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  USA

Roger A. Minear, Professor Emeritus of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Illinois received B.S. (1964) in Chemistry, M.S.E. (1965) in Sanitary Engineering, and Ph.D. (1971) in Civil Engineering (environmental chemistry) from the University of Washington.  He became Professor at the University of Tennessee in 1977.  In 1985, he joined the University of Illinois as the Director of the Institute for Environmental Studies until 1995. He retired from the University on February 20, 2002 and was awarded Emeritus status. He has been a consultant in environmental science and engineering for the past 39 years, including as an expert witness for 15+ years with major national and international law firms representing major corporations and the US Department of Justice. He retired from all professional activities in 2011.

He was an invited scholar at Nankai University, Tianjin, China, in 1988, and was made a guest professor in 1996. From January through July of 1996, he provided us with a number of specific activities (lectures, seminars, papers, research meetings, and discussions) as a visiting research scholar. A series of formal lectures was given in Global Environmental Engineering course on Micropollutants on the central campus in Kyoto as follow: 1. Disinfection By-products  2. A Natural Organic Matter Characteristics  3. Ozone-bromide Interactions in Water Treatment 4. Introduction to Hazardous Waste  5. Hazardous Waste Litigation and the Role of the Scientist/Engineer as Expert Witnesses He has also served on several academic institutions’ research center advisory boards and programmatic review panels.

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